A következő címkéjű bejegyzések mutatása: film-inspired. Összes bejegyzés megjelenítése
A következő címkéjű bejegyzések mutatása: film-inspired. Összes bejegyzés megjelenítése

2018. március 4., vasárnap

Herr Nussnacker's new girlfriend

Aren't they an adorable couple? :)                       
 I like mismatched earrings, so decided to make a pretty partner for the little nutcracker instead of a twin brother (that would have been sooo boring...). Of course I wanted to make a ballerina wearing tutu and all, as if she were coming straight from the ballet.

Well, I won't say I'm absolutely satisfied with the result - but it's not too bad, either. Finding the right colours was kinda problematic, because I have a very limited palette of delicas. My first thought was white, naturally, but then there wouldn't had been enought contrast between her dress and her skin. So remained this light blue - not a bad choice, though, since in some stagings of the ballet Clara is wearing blue. But here came my next problem: I've always imagined Clara (or Marie,as she's called in the original tale) as being blonde, but I hadn't proper beads for it. So my version, if you wish, is a young ballerina, tying her black hair up in a tight bun, ready for dancing Clara's role :)

I had hardly finished it, when my sister showed me the trailer of the new Disney version, Nutcracker and the four realms (I guess, this will bethe title), which gave me a new idea: my purpleish delicas would be perfect for the Sugar-plum Fairy!

2017. november 16., csütörtök

Some more little thingies

So many ideas, so many inspiring occasions, but so little time... :(

For Halloween, more precisely for a thematic design challenge - without success of course, but at least they were fun to make.

My self-imposed challenge: do not watch a long-awaited movie without some fitting jewelry! So after the Hobbit-bracelet, the minions, Cap. America's shield and the TIE-fighters here is a little Mjölnir for the new Thor-movie :D Well, maybe no the best choice, but I had no better idea.
Now, it's time to think about something new from a galaxy far, far away... ;)

Last but not least... I'm working on a tutorial for these bracelets, but can't promise to finish it soon - writing the instructions turned out more difficult than expected. It would be great, if someone could spend a little time for checking it, whether it's understandable or not. Any help would be appreciated!

2017. szeptember 23., szombat

Happy birthday, little hobbitses! :)

I started the blog more than a year ago, but haven't shown my greatest pride yet. This ought to be mended - and now is the perfect occasion for it!
Firstly,  now is the 80th anniversary of  The Hobbit - it was first published on 21. September 1937. On the other hand, as can be read in The Lord of the Rings, Bilbo and Frodo happen to have their birthday on the same day, September 22.

I was never good at knotting, I made only small friendship bracelets and thought that for a bigger piece I wouldn't have enough skill and perseverance. But when I discovered this great LotR-pattern on friendship-bracelets.net by the user frenchfry_piggy here, my fate was sealed :) It was a very-very long labour (especially because I used rather thin thread), I had almost gave it up, laid it aside for months, then started again... All in all, it took more than two years to finish it. 

The Hobbit-bracelet has a totally different tale. In December 2012 I was terribly (and looking back, I must say a bit unjustifiedly) excited about the oncoming Hobbit movie, so when finding this pattern by Baya, I decided to made a bracelet to wear in the cinema. Time was pressing though, only a week was left, but I hoped, it will be enough. It could have been a good idea... when we ignore the fact, that it was already exam period at the university. You can imagine the situation... But finally, I made it! I passed the dreaded exam and finished the bracelet just before the movie :)

Sure, that was ages ago... at least it seems so for me. I've already forgotten all the definitions and formulas I had learned for that exam, but my feelings for Tolkien's writings are the same :)

2016. február 24., szerda

Réges-régen... / Long time ago...

 Oké, valójában csak pár hete, és pláne nem egy messzi-messzi galaxisban ;) De azért mégis...
Well, actually a few weeks ago, and absolutely not in a galaxy far, far away ;) But yet...

 Húgom egy megjegyzésével kezdődött, szerinte ugyanis az egyik gyöngyös karácsonyfadíszünk úgy nézett ki, mint egy TIE-vadász. Ugyan én ezzel nem értettem egyet, de a gondolat persze befészkelte magát a fejembe, hogy tényleg készítsek egyet gyöngyből. Igen elvetemült ötleteim tudnak lenni... és igen, megvan az újabb pár "fura repülő izé"-fülbevalóm :D (a cikesz után nyilván nem túl meglepő...)

/ According to my sis, one of our beaded Christmas-tree ornament looks like a TIE-fighter. I don't agree with her, but the thought stuck in my head - why not making really one from beads? Yeah, me and my weird ideas... and obviously I've got now a new pair of "funny flying thing"-earrings (after the snitch it can't be too surprising...)

A történet valamikor a reghéten folytatódott... ültem a gép előtt, várva, hogy hajlandó legyen végre működni a Neptun, és felvehessem a tárgyaimat - közben pedig csináltam egy mini fénykardot :) A feszültség levezetésének ezen módja legalább nem okoz kárt a berendezésben ;)
/ I was sitting before my computer in order to registrate for the next semester, but the system didn't work, so while waiting I made a mini lightsaber :) An alternative way to deal with stress and frustration... :P

Persze, eddigre már nem tudtam leállni, így másnap egy lendülettel elkészült ez a kis BB-8 figura. Csak mert BB-8 cuki. Nagyon! :)
Sajnos persze bőven van hibája az elkészült darabnak - egyrészt nem vagyok túl jó peyote bogyók fűzésében, ezért bénácska a formája; a feje túl nagy, mert nem volt kisebb kabosonom (ez 12 mm-es, de alighanem 8-as vagy 10-es kellett volna), a minta sem pontos... - de nem baj, az enyém és szeretem :D
/ Naturally I couldn't stop at this point, so next day this little BB-8 figure was made. Because BB-8 is cute. Very cute! :)
Unfortunately it's way far from perfect - I'm not good at making beaded bead with peyote, that's why it has an awkward shape; the head is too big, because I haven't got smaller cabochon (this is 12 mm, but I guess, with 10 or 8 mm would have been better), the pattern is not accurate... - but I don't mind, it's mine and I like it! :)

A hét termései egy képen - na, melyik lehet a kakukktojás? ;)

Results of the week - can you spot the odd-one-out? ;)