"The wind dies; the starry choir
sleap in the silent sky to fires,
whose light comes bitter-cold and sheer
through domes of frozen crystal clear.
Her mantle blue with jewels white
caught all the rays of frosted light.
She shone with cold and wintry flame,
as dancing down the hill she came," (J. R. R. Tolkien: The Lay of Leithian, Canto III. In: The History of Middle-Earth 3. The Lays of Beleriand)
Amúgy eredetileg csak egy passzoló gyűrűt szerettem volna a sötétkék ruhámhoz, de mivel rivolim is volt ugyanebben a színben, lett egy medál is. (Az már más kérdés, minek nekem két kék-ezüst nyaklánc. Ja nem is, ez már a harmadik...)
I can't get rid off this Lúthien-theme, even the most irrelevant things can remind me of quotes from the Lay of Leithian ^.^" Now for example this wintry scene with all this cold glimmering...
Originally I just wanted to make a matching ring for my navy blue dress, but since I had also a rivoli in the same colour, a pendant was born too. (It's an other question, why I need two blue-silver pendant. No, wait, it's already the third one...)
Liebe Teréz,
VálaszTörlésdieses kleine Set ist wunderschön geworden und durch die Farben wirkt es sehr edel.
Drei silber-blaue Anhänger? Na und? Davon kann man nie genug haben. ;-)
Liebe Grüße,
Danke, Nicole :)